
Top 5 types of refrigerators in 2021 for every space and budget

Refrigerators play a big role in our daily existence both literally and metaphorically. We use them often, and they are also a giant feature of our kitchens. Given their size and frequency of use, they must be chosen with utmost care and consideration.

This care and consideration must not be limited to the brand; it is not enough to decide that you want a Samsung refrigerator. We are talking about consideration of the space that the appliance is expected to fit into.

Refrigerators also represent a big-ticket expense, and as such, it is important to ensure that you strike a balance between what the heart desires, and what the pocket can afford.

Let us now take a look at the top five types of refrigerators that are prevalent today.

Top freezer refrigerator
This is the most common type of refrigerator and one that we have seen around for decades. The comfort or discomfort with this single-door fridge probably depends on your height and age.

The freezer is usually at eye/arm level, while the refrigerator (which is more commonly accessed) sits lower. This means that a lot of people would have to bend to use the refrigerator.

But when small children also use the refrigerator, this single-door fridge might actually end up being more convenient. Additionally, these conventional refrigerators typically cost less than their more modern counterparts.

Double door refrigerator / French door refrigerator
Ideal for smaller or narrower kitchens that might not be able to accommodate a large door swinging open, these fridges are also very aesthetic. They save space because only one-half of the fridge and therefore a narrower door opens out.

The freezer at the bottom tends to be very roomy. Additionally, less cool air escapes every time one opens the door of the fridge, and as a result, there is sure to be some amount of energy saving. Of course, such good looks come at a fairly steep price.

Bottom freezer refrigerator
Didn’t we just talk about a fridge with a bottom freezer? Well, that kind is referred to as a French door fridge, whereas the type with a single door fridge with a freezer at the bottom is referred to as a bottom freezer fridge.

Again, bottom freezers are popular, as they pack more space. Additionally, having the more commonly accessed refrigerator section at eye level makes it more convenient to find items on a daily basis.

Side-by-side refrigerator
This is a fairly good-looking, as well as low-cost (compared to the French door alternative) fridge option. Here, the freezer is on one side, while the refrigerator section sits beside it, rather than above or below.

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The narrow width does place some amount of limitations on the size of containers that can be placed inside the fridge. However, space constraints within the kitchen can be managed, given the fact that it requires less door swing space, much like its French door counterpart.

Counter-depth refrigerator
Some of us are perfectionists. It can be troubling to have the fridge jut out, disturbing the otherwise clean lines of our kitchen design. Nowadays, you can find these flatter, more design-friendly models with ease, though they may sometimes cost more.

Besides considering the size and appearance and of course, the budget of your fridge, do also take long-term costs into consideration by checking the BEE rating that appears as a sticker on the fridge.

Check the height of the fridge against any overhead cabinets that you might have fitted into your kitchen. If none of these fit, you might want to consider a mini refrigerator as a last resort.

Browse and shop for Samsung refrigerators, LG refrigerators, Panasonic refrigerators, and refrigerators from all the top brands on the Bajaj Finserv EMI Store. A long-term commitment with a heavy price tag like a refrigerator should warrant a good amount of research.

You might also get a discount on your purchase at the Bajaj Finserv EMI Store. You can even break down the cost of a fridge into monthly installments with your Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card, which lets you buy appliances on No Cost EMIs.